The Archbishop of Canterbury on Philip Pullman's The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ. Boyd Tonkin on the same book
Michael Walzer interviewed in the Tehran Times (ht Pol Theory)
Amitai Etzioni's review of Michael Sandel's book
David Rieff holds forth on Bernard Williams & Martha Nussbaum
Robert Pippin on how to make sense of people
Alan Saunders interviews Elliot Sober on arguments from design
('intelligent design')
Philosophy Bites interviews Ned Block on consciousness
The WSJ on Leibniz and this, the best of all possible worlds, a view that was pilloried by Voltaire, about whom there's a new biography (also reviewed here), and whose Candide inspired the Random House logo
A review of the new translation of Simone de Beauvoir's Second Sex
The latest on the James Dean of philosophy: Peter Beaumont on why Camus still divides opinion in Algeria; and Justin Clemens and Jamie Bollenbacher review Robert Zaretsky's new book on Camus' life
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