Ernst Cassirer -- Emily Grosholz on his humanism (with a quick survey of the neo-Kantians)
Heidegger makes it into Wired 's science blog
Vivian Gornick reviews Michael Sandel's book on justice, which is also reviewed by Richard Reeves (along with Sen's book on justice). Sen devoted his Demos Annual Lecture to the topic 'Power and Capability'
And here's a justice free-for-all (with Sandel, Walzer, Nussbaum, Pollitt, etc.)
David Harvey's guide to Marx's Capital
Judith Butler interviewed (ht Silliman's Blog)
Alan Saunders interviews Alan Hájek on probability on Aussie radio
On Bernard Baars' 'global workspace' theory of consciousness
A. J. Ayer's doctor has spoken about Ayer's near-death experience
A review of the Archbishop of Canterbury's book on Dostoevsky
Speaking of stimulating Anglicans, John Polkinghorne was interviewed (ht Books, Inq.)
A. N. Wilson wrote an introduction to the Gospel According to Matthew (ht 3:AM)
Baudelaire & the Beats (several neat YouTube clips of pop depictions of beats)
A biography of Dr. Seuss
Will Self on Bulgakov's White Guard
The English trans. of Michael Maar's book Speak, Nabokov received a couple of good reviews
On the Hungarian lit front, Deborah Eisenberg likes Dezso Kosztolanyi's Skylark
And the Neglected Books site has a piece on Miklos Bánffy's Transylvanian trilogy, about which the Telegraph raved in 2007 (and again in 2010)
Reading Uwe Johnson in NY
Vertigo digs up an early review of Sebald's Emigrants by Gabriel Josipovici
I hope Patrick White wins the 'lost' Man Booker Prize -- it'll serve him right
Denis Donoghue on Yeats, Pound and Eliot
I linked to reviews of these two books in my last load o'links: Germania is reviewed in the WSJ and John Gray reviews World That Never Was
The Economist on Moses Montefiore: "He joined forces with middle-class religious dissenters and evangelicals to help end the slave trade, underwriting along with Rothschild a £15m loan to finance abolition in the West Indies."
Elaine Showalter reviews Hilary Spurling's book on Pearl Buck. Here's Claudia FitzHerbert's review
Someone's started a reading group for At Swim--Two Birds
When I read something by Theodore Dalrymple, I want either to stand up and cheer or to punch my pillow. He's interviewed here
On-line discussion forum for the Chicago Manual of Style. (This marks me as deviant, but I really fell in love with this manual while writing my dissertation.)
China Miéville on J. G. Ballard's Complete Stories
Patti Smith interviewed on KCRW. (ht 3:AM)
Three reviews of a new book on Irving Thalberg, Sr., along with an interview with the author of an older book on him. Thalberg's son, Irving Thalberg, Jr., was a philosophy professor in Chicago
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