Northwestern University Press will soon release a book by Daniel L. Medin called Three Sons: Franz Kafka and the Fiction of J. M. Coetzee, Philip Roth, and W. G. Sebald. I can't find it on the Northwestern site yet, but it looks like it'll be issued some time this month or next.
Mr. Waggish has a new post on Coetzee.
Emmanuel Levinas' Notebooks in Captivity
Auden on Kierkegaard (1944), Updike's review of a Kierkegaard biography (2005), a review of a new book on Kierkegaard (on faith & love), and (though I linked to this before) a review of Hannay's new translation of Concluding Unscientific Postscript
I don't like Nietzsche, but lots of great philosophers do. Here are the recordings of papers given at a Nietzsche conference in Chicago (ht Leiter Reports)
Hans Gabriel reviews Vincent Kling's translation of Gert Jonke's Blinding Moment: Four Pieces about Composers (see this old post for links to more of Kling's work on Jonke)
Laurence Mackin on Mikhail Bulgakov's novels
The 'curiously relevant prose of von Kleist,' and Michael Dirda on Kleist (ht Books, Inq.)
In the Telegraph, John Lanchester on the fading of work-life from novels along with reviews of books on a WWII spy ruse involving Ian Fleming and on Simon Winder's Germania, which was also reviewed in the Financial Times, in The Scotsman and in the Spectator
A review of four books about German artists (Kirchner, Dix, Richter & Corinth)
Several prominent latter-day alchemists (economists) nominated for Ignoble Prize (ht Leiter)
Hugely ticked & mightily peeved medievalists fight back, with many philosophers on their side -- or: how the dogma that 'Market value is the only value' is distorting academia in the UK (ht BF's Omnivore). The broader Benthamite (or perhaps Reavers') assault on the humanities in the UK inspired this impressive broadside by Simon Blackburn.
Liz Phair driving through the desert to a NASCAR race & eco-consciousness-raising conference (ht BF's Omnivore)
Kay Redfield Jamison interviewed on Aussie radio
Herta Müller and 'the evil of banality'
Review of Jay Rubin's new translation of Natsume Soseki's Sanshiro (with an Introduction by Haruki Murakami)
Daniel's a friend of mine. He does good work. I believe Gass was the adviser for the diss that became that book.
Thanks, Mr. Waggish. My copy of Daniel Medin's book just arrived. Looks good!
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